Monday, October 10, 2005

Sleep Profiler.

Sleep Profiler Results

Your profile summary

Your sleep is very well optimised, scoring 85 %.

You said you have a problem with sleep, but you are not at all sleepy during the day, which indicates your body is getting the sleep it needs. Quality of sleep is more important than quantity. You may find your personalised advice below useful for the odd bad night.

Body and Health

You are an "Owl"
  • You are built to be at your best later in the day. Surprisingly, it also means your body clock is more flexible than people with standard or lark-like body clocks.
  • Ideally, people should wake at the same time everyday, but being an owl, you can probably cope quite well when your sleep pattern is disrupted.
You would benefit from getting more advice
  • Your answers suggest that health issues are affecting your sleep. A doctor can give you more advice about why you're not sleeping well.
You are probably sleeping better than you think
  • Although you are worried that you have a sleep problem, you don't seem to be falling asleep during the day. This means that your body is coping well with the sleep it is getting. You would really struggle to stay awake during the day if you are not getting the sleep that your body needs.
  • We sleep in cycles that last 90 minutes. Each cycle contains deep sleep (or Slow Wave Sleep), Rapid Eye Movement sleep (the point we dream) and light sleep. Partly due to these cycles, even with only four hours sleep the brain has gained many of the important benefits of sleep.


A comfortable bed could improve your sleep.
  • One thing that could be keeping you awake is your bed. It's not necessary to change your bed every three years as some people advocate, but it should be comfortable.
  • New research shows that an 'orthopaedic' mattress (a hard one) is often not best for people with back problems. Ignore the hardness, and choose something you're comfortable on. Test out a range of mattresses by lying on each for about 20 minutes.
  • Think about what you wear in bed as well - natural fabrics such as cotton that allow your body to breath are best.
  • Foam and synthetic fibre mattresses retain body heat and act like ovens.
    This will raise body temperature and make sleep lighter. Natural fibres such as cotton and wool will help keep the body at a more even temperature.
  • Duvets come in different tog ratings and it's advisable to use the appropriate one during different times to the year. 4.5 tog is a light duvet and ideal for summer. 12 - 13.5 gives extra warmth in the winter. 9 - 10.5 tog offers medium warmth and can be used all seasons.


Your work hours don't suit your natural rhythm.
  • You're an "owl" (i.e. best in the evening) but you have to get up early - a difficult combination.
  • To help in the morning try leaving your bedroom curtains open, allowing the natural light to wake you up (this works best in summer of course). As soon as possible after waking, follow this up with a walk outside. Exposure to daylight can help you feel more awake and alert. In winter, try to become active and busy as soon as possible.
  • Getting up at the same time every day helps to anchor your body clock to a time more suited to your life style. This includes weekends and holidays; resisting the urge for a lie-in can pay dividends in alertness.
  • Routine can also help alleviate the effects of not being at your best in the morning. Try setting the breakfast table and preparing your work things the night before. That way, on the following morning you carry out all the tasks without needing too much brain power.
Exercise routines can help
  • Regular exercise is a great way of improving your sleep - but be careful not to exercise close to bed time as this produces stimulants that stop the brain from relaxing quickly.
You regularly drink coffee or consume caffeine
  • You use one of the oldest and best short-term cures for sleepiness: caffeine.
  • Caffeine
    stays in your system for many hours, but is active in your brain for only about an hour. However, having large amounts of caffeine in your system will disturb your sleep.
  • If keeping alert is your goal and you want to cut down your caffeine intake, try taking a short nap when you feel sleepy.
  • Current research shows a short 15 minute nap is more effective than a cappuccino at beating tiredness.
You know what works.
  • Well done - the things you do to help you sleep should be working - did you know there are real scientific reasons?
  • A warm bath offers a chance to relax (vital for a good night’s sleep) and in a more practical way, it makes the blood vessels in your extremities dilate and help cool the body.
  • There's new evidence that hormones released during sexual activity can promote sleep.
There are things you can do to improve your sleep
  • Health has a direct impact on sleep.
  • Exercise is a good way of improving your the start to the day. But if you exercise too close to bed time, it will make it difficult for you to sleep. After a heavy workout, your muscles may be tired, but muscles only need to rest, not sleep. Your brain will be too stimulated to calm down quickly
  • Smoking and alcohol also affect your sleep - causing you to wake more easily out of light sleep (a stage of sleep that occurs for about half a normal night's sleep)


Too stressed to sleep well
  • Since your day time work is causing you stress, it will be affecting your sleep and losing sleep is liable to make you more stressed.
  • If possible, try tackling the root problem: can you reduce the workload (share the housework or delegate tasks). This will be the most effective way of improving your ability to sleep, but in the short
    term, some simple relaxation techniques will help:
    • Having a time to calm down after a hectic day is important - a bath, or book, or gentle walk outside.
    • Simple breathing exercises can help
    • Some people find that Lavender oil, Valerian or other herbs help them to sleep
    • [see further links to pages for more ways of relaxing]
  • If you still have problems, you could try massage, aromatherapy or acupuncture.

Sleep Profiler


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