Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Hostility Test: Results

The Hostility Test

Your score = 41

Your test results indicate that while you are no stranger to hostile impulses, you generally exercise control over them. You may wish to identify the situations that trigger defensiveness, cynicism, and aggression, in order to better anticipate and manage them.

The Values System Test: Results

The Values System Test


Our personal values system is the specific combination of values that are important to us. Value systems influence everything we do; from our cognitions and attitudes, to our expressed behavior. We don't tend to question this foundation of beliefs. Values are something that are omnipresent in our minds, exerting unconscious influence over us at all times. The values assessment that you just completed asked you to think carefully about which values are really essential to you, and which you would be willing to compromise. The choices you made on this test are a very real part of life - we all experience times where our values are in conflict and we must find a compromise. It can involve choosing between a job you think would make you happy versus a job that you know would make you money, choosing to travel around the world versus remain close to your family, or other tough decisions. If you consider a difficult choice you have made in the past, there's a good change that the difficulty stemmed from value conflict.

There are two main types of values:
instrumental and terminal. While both are active in our lives, driving many of our decisions and emotions, they need to be considered separately in order to fully appreciate them.

The instrumental values in the list that follows will help you decide how to act and behave. For example, instrumental values help you decide whether you should be oriented towards others, or to be more self-motivated, whether you should be more driven to achieve or more accepting of the status quo, or whether you think it is more important to be obedient and polite or express yourself freely.

The terminal values on this list are end states that are important for either you personally to achieve in your lifetime, or, alternatively, states that you hope will characterize the world around you. Either way, you can play a role in the achievement of these goals - whether large or small - so your behavior and decisions are ideally in line with them.

The goal of this exercise is to help you pinpoint what is really important to you. Armed with this knowledge, you can both behave in a way that is more in synch with your instrumental values, and make decisions that will help you achieve your desired terminal values.

In order to fully grasp your values system, it is important to look at your values in combination. If your number one motivator is ambition, for instance, you need not conclude that you will walk all over others in order to achieve your goals. Check to see how all of your alues work together and influence your unique personality, thought patterns, and behavior.

Instrumental Values

The following is a list of your most important instrumental values. These values concern ways of behaving that are in line with your goals in life, as well as how you would like to present yourself to the world.

Top ranked value(s):

Intellectual (intelligent, reflective)

For you, being knowledgeable is a way of life, not just a goal. You value intelligence and the quest for meaning. The degree of importance you place on this value shows that you are inquisitive, reflective, and a true knowledge seeker. You never stop learning and you prefer it that way. Whereas many people wait impatiently until their schooling is over, you exalt in it - and make the world your classroom. You have a high regard for ideas and for people who dedicate their lives to promoting them. Likely you have a good understanding of yourself, as your desire to understand the happenings around you translates to the workings of your own mind, as well. One potential pitfall for someone who values the intellectual as you do is alienation from the rest of society. As you probably know already, people who enjoy and excel in abstract thought are often seen to be aloof and arrogant to those who do not possess these skills. If you feel that you are not connecting to those around you in an amicable manner, it might be a cue to take the time to reacquaint yourself with the reality of the everyday. Always remember that your intellectual values have the potential to take you far in life, to fulfill yourself in very meaningful ways, and to do great things for the common good, should you so choose.

Second tier value(s):

Honest (sincere, truthful)

Honesty is not only the best policy, but also the only policy in your book. You live your life according to the principles of truth, and find that doing otherwise negatively impacts your happiness and peace of mind. Others trust you and know that when they ask for your opinion, they'll be getting a straight answer. Your authentic personality lends credibility to your comments, and others respect your utter sincerity. One word of caution: while being honest is no doubt a positive value to uphold, know that being entirely honest in some situations can hurt others' feelings. If you desire be completely honest when someone asks for a personal opinion about his or her character or appearance, try to do it in a sensitive manner so as not to put him or her on the defensive. Your dedication to being honest is praiseworthy.

Third tier value(s):

Logical (consistent, rational)

Being logical, rational and consistent in your thinking is of great meaning for you. This likely helps you in your work and life in general. People who highly value logic tend to be practical, efficient, and more consistent in their arguments than most. You make your decisions carefully, and tend not to allow your emotions or gut feelings encroach upon your ability to do what's best for the situation at hand. Valuing logic might make you a bit predictable at times, but in your eyes this is not necessarily a bad thing. One potential problem with striving to be as logical as you are is that others could see you as cold or uncaring, as you will likely make the more rational decision over one that pleases everyone. If you feel that your strong desire to be logical is impeding your ability to enjoy yourself, try doing something absurd or contrary to general reason from time to time. You could find it liberating - and these escapes from rationality could very well become a logical part of your routine.

Fourth tier value(s):

Broadminded (open-minded)

You know there are not two sides to every story; there are thousands. You value being open-minded, and as a result are likely able to see where people are coming from no matter how ridiculous their story is compared to average folks. You don't discount others for being different or apart from the crowd. You revel in variety and diversity; without it you know life would not be nearly as interesting. Your ability and desire to keep an open mind no matter what the explanation, likely makes you a friend to exceedingly different people. If you were to throw a party, and invite everyone you knew and liked, your guests would likely be astounded at the variety of people with which you connect. Being open-minded is an invaluable tool when it comes to learning and growing as a person. Contrary to most, you will likely become less prejudiced and hardheaded as you age. This is the result of your associations with all kinds; it keeps you from harboring false beliefs about types of people because you know more about them - it's not open to speculation. A societal negative associated with broad-minded people is that they have a hard time forming opinions and sticking to them. Don't give into other's desire to pigeonhole you or make you take a side - your ability to empathize is invaluable.

Fifth tier value(s):

Loyal (standing by loved-ones and friends)

You feel that being loyal is essential to living a fulfilling life. You are faithful to everyone you value - friends, family, and colleagues alike. You are steadfast about upholding your ideals; if anything threatens your beliefs, you're willing to put up a strong fight. You have little tolerance for double-talk and gossip, and you will do your best to curb others from doing it whenever possible. Your friends and loved ones count on you to treat them well and support them whenever necessary. You're a force to be reckoned with if you hear that a loved one has been wronged. They know that you are willing to make certain sacrifices on their behalf and for greater principles. People like you set an example for those less faithful to aspire to.

Terminal Values

The following list is of your top terminal values. These are end states of existence that you hope are achieved in your lifetime, either on a personal level or a more global scale.

Top ranked value(s):

Mature love (sexual and spiritual intimacy)

Mature love is of great importance to you.
You think that sexual and spiritual intimacy should be an important part of any adult's life. You think that meeting and, importantly, staying with a romantic partner for the long-term is extremely critical to overall life satisfaction. Holding this value strongly indicates that you are romantic at heart. It is wonderful to place importance on having a loving, sexually vibrant relationship, and in this world, you are one of a growing group who places love above all else. One caution is to put aside the idealistic notion of love sold by the popular media - no love is perfect, and the idea of love without difficulty or work may keep you from being open to emotionally fulfilling, yet imperfect relationships.

Second tier value(s):

Family closeness (being close with loved ones)

Having close, quality connections with your family is quite important to you. You feel strongly that the bonds of family should never be broken. As a result of holding this value, you are likely someone who either strives to prioritize your life better in order to have more time with friends and family, or you already make sure to do so. Holding this value says a lot about you. It means that you understand the importance of spending time with family, and therefore try to put them first. Willing to sacrifice for them, you also take comfort knowing that they would do the same for you. If you are currently unable to be close with your family, due to time constraints, work responsibilities, distance, or family or family feuds, it likely causes conflicted motions. Guilt, sadness and loneliness can result from neglecting this value. Healthy, positive family relations can result in a special kind of joy, fulfillment, and pride, as well as an unbreakable feeling of connectedness.

Third tier value(s):

Wisdom (a mature understanding of life)

You greatly value knowledge, specifically the kind that comes from bountiful experience. Your focus on attaining wisdom in your lifetime is commendable. It means that you are not afraid to try things and learn from your mistakes. So many people are paralyzed by the fear of failure, and you are one of the smart few who knows that from failure comes important lessons - that is if you're willing to learn from your mistakes. You know that things are never as cut and dry as they seem, and you strive to understand the many shades of gray between the black and white on every issue. You are likely able to both see and comprehend opposing sides on any contentious topic, and you know that this ability is invaluable when it comes to grasping the nature of life and the human condition. Your thirst for knowledge, desire to understand and distill life from its convoluted form, is a noble and tireless quest.

Fourth tier value(s):

Justice (fairness, legality)

Your belief in the importance of fairness and legality is an indication of your judicious mind. Justice, to you, is an extremely important part of maintaining order in today's society. Without an impartial, well-functioning system in place to deal with issues and conflicts that arise between individuals, and deal out punishment for wrong-doings, there is too much room for injustice. It pains you to hear tales of injustice - so you likely become involved in social issues that catch your attention. If not, you might want to consider it, as it seems like such work would be a good way to become more in synch with your values. On a smaller scale, it is likely important for you to live your every-day life in a fair manner. The people you interact with likely find that you make decisions based on what is fair to all parties involved, rather than what is the easy, or technically "correct" decision.

Fifth tier value(s):

True friendship (close companionship)

As someone who feels that true, real, lasting friendship should be a part of everyone's life, you likely try to place priority on being around others who you feel comfortable with, who appreciate you for who you are, and who are there for you. By focusing on these attributes, you establish warm, co-operative relationships with others. Although most people have friends, the quality of the relationship differs between individuals - some are rather fickle, short-termed, and disingenuous, while others stand the test of time. When this is the case, it is usually a result of hard work and persistence. You believe that the priceless value of real friendships is well worth the effort they take to maintain.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

How Liberal/ Conservative Am I?

Your Political Profile

Overall: 10% Conservative, 90% Liberal

Social Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

Personal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal

Fiscal Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal

Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal

Defense and Crime: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal

Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Political Compass

Your political compass:

Economic Left/Right: -7.63
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.74

Friday, September 16, 2005

The Feminism Test


You scored 100% Gender-Abolitionist, 60% Sexually Liberal, and 0 % Socialist.

You are the Gender-Liberal. This means that you share qualities with both Liberal Feminists and Gender Abolitionists. Like the Liberal Feminist, you feel political change needs to be done on a small-scale level through legislative change, not necessarily through a massive destruction of class society through the adoption of an extremist socialist stance. You are also very concerned with sexual liberation, and feel that women should be free to do what they please sexually without criticism, just as men should be free to do. However, you differ from the Liberal Feminist culturally, because you see gender as a social construction that needs to be destroyed. Like the Gender Abolitionist, you realize that gender is often perceived as one's identity, when it should only be perceived as a small, insignificant part of that person. We shouldn't be able to say "This person IS a woman". Rather one should say something more akin to "This person HAS the physical traits of a woman". This way, we wouldn't be assuming someone's physical traits are a part of their identity, and we couldn't use this difference to oppress them or categorize them. In short, you advocate extreme cultural change through the destruction of gender roles, but politically you are less extreme, instead focusing on individual or legislative change as opposed to a massive change of ideology.

The other feminist types:

The Housewife

The Marxist

The Liberal

The Liberal Extremist

The Gender Abolitionist

The Radical

The Gender-Liberal

The Revisionist

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 85% on Gender
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You scored higher than 11% on Sexuality
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You scored higher than 0% on Class
The Feminism Test

Dante's Inferno Test

Second Level of Hell

You have come to a place mute of all light, where the wind bellows as the sea does in a tempest. This is the realm where the lustful spend eternity. Here, sinners are blown around endlessly by the unforgiving winds of unquenchable desire as punishment for their transgressions. The infernal hurricane that never rests hurtles the spirits onward in it's rapine, whirling them round, and smiting, it molests them. You have betrayed reason at the behest of your appetite for pleasure, and so here you are doomed to remain. Cleopatra and Helen of Troy are two that share in your fate.

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to

the Second Level of Hell!

Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Moderate
Level 2 (Lustful)Moderate
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Moderate
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante Inferno Hell Test

Would You Have Been a Nazi?

The Expatriate

Achtung! You are 30% brainwashworthy, 22% antitolerant, and 33% blindly patriotic.

Congratulations! You are not susceptible to brainwashing, your values and cares extend beyond the borders of your own country, and your Blind Patriotism does not reach unhealthy levels.

If you had been German in the 30s, you would've left the country.

One bad scenario -- as I hypothetically project you back in time -- is that you just wouldn't have cared one way or the other about Nazism.
Maybe politics don't interest you enough. But the fact that you took this test means they robably do. I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt.

Did you know that many of the smartest Germans departed prior to the beginning of World War II, because they knew some evil shit was brewing? Brain Drain. Many of them were scientists. It is very possible you could have been one of them.

Conclusion: born and raised in Germany in the early 1930's, you would not have been a Nazi.

The Would You Have Been A Nazi? Test

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 34% on brainwashworthy
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You scored higher than 25% on antitolerant
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You scored higher than 44% on patriotic

DBF made that too... and I'm the nazi of this family...